This tool helps you create a report that reflects your experience with atopic dermatitis. Share it with your healthcare provider when you discuss managing your symptoms.

Creating a Custom Report

To understand the impact that atopic dermatitis is having on your life, you need to monitor your symptoms and how they affect your day-to-day activities. The assessment below will help you create a custom report that can help you discover the impact of atopic dermatitis.

When you finish, you’ll get a customized report. You can use this report when you talk to your healthcare provider about managing your atopic dermatitis.


The Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) was developed by the University of Nottingham. It focuses on patients’ experiences with eczema. POEM evaluates eczema severity by how often specific symptoms occur.

Use the POEM scale to create a record of how many days or nights during the past week you were affected by each symptom. Total up the scores to get your symptom rating.

0 = No Days

1 = 1-2 Days

3 = 3-4 Days

4 = 5-6 Days

 5 = Every Day

  1. How many days has your skin been itchy because of your eczema?
  2. How many nights has your sleep been disturbed because of your eczema?
  3. How many days has your skin been bleeding because of your eczema?
  4. How many days has your skin been weeping or oozing clear fluid because of your  eczema?
  5. How many days has your skin been cracked because of your eczema?
  6. How many days has your skin been flaking off because of your eczema?
  7. How many days has your skin felt dry or rough because of your eczema? 



  0 - 2 Clear/Almost Clear 
  3 - 7 Mild
  8 - 46 Moderate
  17 - 24 Severe
  25 - 28 Very Severe

Print or Save this PDF to keep a record of your scores.


  1. The Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure: Development and Initial Validation of a New Tool for Measuring Atopic Eczema Severity From the Patients’ Perspective. Arch Dermatol. 2004;140:1513-1519. 

Health information contained herein is provided for general educational purposes only. Your healthcare professional is the single best source of information regarding your health. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have any questions about your health or treatment.